Every year, thousands of people fall victim to fraudsters and their phishing scams. In order to safeguard your hard-earned money, it’s essential to stay vigilant and stop fraud in its tracks. We encourage you to look over our tips below for fighting and preventing fraud. And if you ever have questions about a potential scam, give our team a call at (605) 335-5200; we’re happy to help!

Think Twice Before Providing Personal Information
Never provide personal information — like your Social Security number — in response to an unsolicited request. Emails and internet pages created by phishers may look exactly like the real thing. If you did not initiate the communication, do not provide any information. Not sure whether the correspondence is legitimate? Contact the company directly.

Never Share Account Information or Passwords
Your bank account information and passwords are for you to know and no one else to find out! Even well-intentioned friends or family members might accidentally put your finances at risk if you share this information with them. As your bank, we will never ask you to verify your account information or password via text or email.
Review Statements Regularly
Monitoring recent transactions in Online Banking and reviewing account statements regularly can help you ensure all charges are correct. Contact us immediately if you notice an unusual charge on your account, or if your statement is late or does not arrive.
Equip yourself to fight fraud