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Jeff Weber

FNB Family Friday

Jeff Weber

Tell us about your background. Where you grew up, where you went to school, industry experience, your family, and volunteer work.

I grew up in Sioux Falls with six older siblings, two horses, a dog, cats, and various other critters ranging from gerbils to ferrets. It was a simple, terrific childhood, where we played softball in the front yard, blew fireworks off in the back, and leaped from quartzite rocks at Palisades park on the side.

I graduated from Lincoln High School and attended Northern State University, until I grew a bit anxious and traded-in the dorm room for a rack aboard the USS Yellowstone. (U.S. Navy). I sailed for 8+ years while dabbling in traditional studies, along with specialized coursework, training, and travel. I landed back home in 2000 where I’ve been serving in various, learning & development roles that include 10 years as a global liaison/trainer for HSBC, an instructional designer, facilitator and learning administrator for Capital One and Poet, LLC.

I have three kids, who are now grown. Joe (38) a 13-year Navy Submariner and now on faculty at SE Technical Institute. Alex (34) a Consultant for the World Bank of (Jakarta) Indonesia, and Karen (33) U.S. Air Force, Minneapolis.

Philanthropically, my most memorable experiences have been at the VA where I transported veterans to/from their appointments, preaching at our local assisted living centers, serving on the church guest services team, and 11 years teaching Junior Achievement. I’ve also volunteered to pack food on the assembly lines of Feeding South Dakota and at the Banquet.

What is your role at FNB? What does your day-to-day work look like?

My title is Employee Development Designer, which means that I am in charge of designing and developing learning content. I also facilitate training, as needed, to meet the needs of our teammates at the Bank.

Day in and day out, I’m writing facilitator and participant guides, creating videos and eLearning, and collaborating with department leads on desired training.

What is your favorite thing about FNB?

That leadership strives to put their people as the pinnacle to the Bank’s success. I realize this may sound like an obvious-type answer, as many companies try to stake similar claims. It’s just been my experience that, while many might talk to it, far less are able to walk it. It’s refreshing and I feel privileged to be a part of it.

What’s your personal motto?

“With every freedom there is a responsibility.” Abe Lincoln

What’s a problem you wish you could solve?

Prejudice. I believe so many others would disappear, as a result.

Q: If you had $500 to spend at any local business, where or what would you spend it on?

R-Wine-Bar with a group of friends.

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