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First on the Farm Newsletter

Opportunities for growth

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Brian Gilbert
Ag Banking Manager

Cultivate Your Future

The First National Ag Team is honored and excited to present our 15th annual Cultivate Your Future event on February 15, 2024!

We have an amazing lineup of speakers for this year, including Dr. Joe Santos, director of the SDSU Ness School of Management and Economics. Here is the full schedule of the event:

Schedule. 9:30 a.m. Arrival and registration. 10:00 a.m. Dr. Joe Santos, Global Economic Update. 11:00 a.m. Matt Reardon, Climatologist. 12:00 p.m. Lunch. 12:30 p.m. Tregg Cronin, Grain Marketing Update. 1:45 p.m. Donna Moenning, Consumer Insights Impacting Food & Farming. 3:30 p.m. Social. RSVP to Abby at (605) 335-2927 by February 3.

We are always striving to add value to our Ag and Agribusiness relationships at First National Bank, and our Cultivate Your Future event is one of the many ways we do so.

We understand that everyone is busy nowadays; however, we believe everyone should be a lifelong learner, and this event provides you with an opportunity to sharpen your skills and be well-informed — giving you a leg up on other area producers.

Farming is a business, after all, and this year’s lineup of speakers will offer expertise on global economics, the industry’s best weather outlook, grain marketing information, and some of the challenges producers will face in the coming years from an ever-changing consumer perception of the way we operate.

We’ve come a long way in our speaker offering to you during our 15 years of hosting this event, and I’m proud to say that this year’s lineup is our best ever. You won’t want to miss this dynamic opportunity!

To register, please RSVP to Abby at (605) 335-2927.

Space is limited, but we invite you to bring a guest. Also, lunch will be provided with a happy hour to follow.

We look forward to seeing you on February 15 at the Hilton Garden Inn South, 5300 South Grand Circle, Sioux Falls.

Brock Associates Winter Seminar

I’d also like to take a moment to recap an opportunity for growth that we offered in early December.

Through our sponsorship of the Brock Associates 2023 marketing meeting at the Sheraton in Sioux Falls, local producers were able to learn about the grain and livestock markets. When one of our Ag Advisory Board members asked me if we’d be interested in this event, we jumped at the opportunity.

We helped to host 85 area producers and had a very informative day. Therefore, we are excited to continue with this partnership — so please watch for information from us on their next event later in 2024!

Opportunities for growth

If you have questions about any of our programs or would like to get involved with one of our producer education opportunities, give me a call at (605) 214-0546 or reach out through our website.

Send us your photos!

Thank you to Krista Smith of Smith’s Feedlot in Mount Vernon, SD, for capturing this gorgeous sunset.

Want your farm pics to be featured in our June newsletter? Text us at (605) 929-5822 with your photo, first and last name, operation name, and where you’re located. We can’t wait to see what’s happening on your farm!



By submitting a photo, you agree to let The First National Bank in Sioux Falls share it in their ag newsletter, on their website at, on social media, and in emails or other marketing materials.

Have questions? We're here to help.

Brian Gilbert

Ag Banking Manager

Grant Olson

Ag Banking Team Lead

Josh Kayser

Ag Banking Team Lead

Phil DeGroot

Ag Banking Team Lead
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