Frequently Asked Questions
Deposits and Balancing
Do I need a deposit slip? No. The remote deposit program creates an electronic version of the deposit slip. The deposit receipt that you review is sent electronically along with the images and data from the checks you scanned for the deposit.
I have to remove a check from a deposit. What do I do with it? The check amount is removed from the deposit total and the corresponding image is discarded when you remove a check. Handle the removed check as you would a manual deposit at our branch.
The most common reasons for removing a check are:
- The check is a duplicate and was already scanned. If it is a duplicate, put the physical check with the checks that have already been scanned. If the check is not a duplicate, then accept it as a different check in the current deposit.
- The check is damaged and won’t go through the scanner. Try to repair any tears and flatten any creases.
- The check fails all of the verification tests (which may mean the check was scanned backward and nothing was captured from the front). If you don’t have enough information to enter the required information, follow your check handling procedures. You may have to make a manual deposit at one of our branches.
I can’t make the deposit total match the expected total amount. What should I do? The deposit total calculated by the software (based on the amounts read from the checks) is what matters. Only the deposit total will be printed on the deposit receipt. We require you to balance to the expected total amount.
- Verify that the amount of each check was read correctly. You can correct amounts if you see that they were not read correctly.
- Make sure all checks that belong in the deposit were scanned. On the Review Deposit screen, you can see all the checks in the deposit and make changes if necessary.
- Check your expected total amount by adding the amounts of the checks again. You will have the opportunity to change the expected total amount after you click the Submit Deposit button to balance.
Why do I need to enter an expected total amount before I start? Can I put in $0? The Expected Total amount field is a way to help you make sure you included all the checks you intended to deposit. By adding up the amounts beforehand and counting the checks, you may be more aware of the problem when the expected total amount doesn’t match the deposit total amount. Usually, one item has been dropped or overlooked (or perhaps stuck to another item) and hasn’t been scanned. Sometimes the software cannot read the amount correctly. When this happens, you need to manually correct the amount by changing the scanned check data (not the physical check).
Connecting and Scanning
I entered my username and password, but the software won’t let me start. What should I do? Usernames are case-sensitive. Make sure the caps lock is not on and re-enter your user information. For the 12-digit password, use the 8 digits generated by the token, plus your 4-digit PIN.
- Make sure you have Internet access.
- Make sure our server is available by trying to get to our home page.
- If you still cannot log on, call us to make sure your user ID is authorized.
The program stopped and the error message said I had to shut down the computer. What happens to the deposit? If the software fails while you are processing a deposit, all the check images and amounts that have not yet been submitted for deposit are discarded. Re-scan the checks that were not included in the deposit and submit the new deposit.
Re-scan the checks that were not included in the deposit and submit the new deposit.
I have scanner device problems. What should I do? Make sure the scanner device is plugged into a power source, connected to the computer’s USB port, and turned on.
- Read the operator’s manual. This will tell you about status lights, how to prepare and load checks, how to clear jams, and how to perform routine maintenance. (We recommend that you perform routine maintenance on a regular basis.) Unplug the device before cleaning.
- Replace the inkjet cartridge for the rear endorser as needed.
- Call a qualified service professional if you are not confident about following the maintenance instructions in the operator’s manual.
The desktop scanner won’t take the check I inserted.
- The Deposit application must be started before you begin scanning checks.
- Make sure the scanner is plugged in, connected to the USB port, and turned on. The deposit application software should recognize the scanner when you start the program. Driver software is loaded with the installation of each approved scanner. After you check the scanner, try shutting down the computer and restarting it. Then, start the deposit application again.
- If the desktop scanner still does not work, read the operating manual. Perform any recommended maintenance and cleaning. Check the troubleshooting section of the device’s operating manual. If all else fails, call a qualified service professional.
I have a lot of checks in one deposit. Do I have to scan them one at a time? You don’t have to scan the checks one at a time. You can load a batch of checks into most scanners and then continuously feed more checks. Check the scanner instructions to see how many you can load at one time. Most scanners will accept as many as 30 items at a time and may accept up to 100. Batches larger than 100 may require the pressure plate to be moved.
I scanned several checks, but I can’t see any images. You should always see images of the checks you have scanned. Make sure you inserted the checks into the scanner in the correct orientation. Check the scanner operator’s manual for specific information on how to insert a check. If you still don’t see images, refer to the device operator’s manual for troubleshooting.
A check is jammed in the device. What should I do? Clear the paper path, remove all documents from the exit pocket, and free the track. Click the OK button to acknowledge the device error message, and lift the document straight up and out of the scanner. Check the scanner operator’s manual for more specific information.
To prevent jams, remove all rubber bands, staples, paper clips, folded corners, etc. from the documents before you load them. Jog or tap the stack of checks to square the bottom and leading edges (the first edge going into the scanner) to make sure the documents are aligned. Remove processed documents from the exit pocket when it is nearly full. Jams may occur when the exit pocket is too full.
The tracking data isn’t printing on the back of the check (or is too light). Check the inkjet cartridge in the scanner. Replace it if necessary.
Image Quality and Submitting a Deposit
The image quality is so bad, I’m being asked to remove a check. I can’t get a good image for this check. What should I do with it? If you can read the amount, routing number, transit number, and account number on the check, then you can accept the poor-quality image and enter the correct information using the software. If you cannot read the information yourself, then you may have to contact the person who gave you the check and request a replacement.
If several checks are getting poor quality images, refer to the scanner operator’s manual. Use your manufacturer’s guidelines for cleaning.
I’ve submitted the deposit and confirmed it. Now what do I do with the actual checks? We recommend that you keep checks for 45 days. You should then destroy them with a cross-cut shredder.
I cancelled a deposit. What happens to the images and amounts? All the check images and amounts are discarded when you cancel a deposit. If you really did not mean to cancel the deposit, you will have to scan the checks again and resubmit the deposit.
Recovery and Correction
What happens when the program stops or my session times out? You can only be logged on with your user ID at one location. If you can’t continue working because the program stops or times out, you can move to another workstation and log on. If you choose to continue with the open deposit, all the checks that have been validated in your deposit will be recovered, except for the Deposit Memo, which is not permanently stored until after a deposit has been successfully submitted.
- When a deposit transaction is open under your user ID and you try to log in again, your choices are to continue working with the open deposit, delete it, or cancel and exit the application.
- If your session was stopped or you were logged off because of a program failure or because you were not actively working for an extended period, then you probably want to choose Resume to continue the work in progress. The deposit application will open with the scan items screen filled with the items already in the deposit.
- If you choose Cancel to delete the work, you will be prompted by a confirmation message. When you confirm, you will be logged in and the deposit transaction will be deleted from the deposit database.
- If you logged in with an ID that is not yours (or you somehow acquired a duplicate ID), then you should choose Leave Deposit and Exit. The deposit application will close.
Why am I logged out? The program is closed when you log on with your user ID at another workstation. Your original workstation will display the following logged-out message: “Your user ID has been used to log on to another workstation. You are only allowed to be logged on to one workstation at a time. Your work session has been closed on this workstation. Any work that was in progress is available on the other workstation.”
How do I correct a check or change an amount?
To correct a check:
- Type the requested information in the field.
- Click OK to return to the Deposit screen.
- If you cannot correct the check, you can remove it. Click the Remove Check button. Take the check out of the deposit. If the check was folded or torn so that it couldn’t be read properly, remove it and try smoothing it and scanning it again.
To change an amount:
- Enter the amount of the check. You can enter a whole number amount with no decimal ($450 meaning $450.00) or enter the amount with the decimal ($12.35).
- Click OK to return to the Deposit screen where the new amount is reflected in the total amount.
How do I verify if a check is a duplicate? If any check is a duplicate, the Duplicate Check screen is displayed with images of both checks. Compare the two images and determine whether the check is a duplicate or a new deposit item.
- If the check is a duplicate item, click Same Check. The duplicate item is removed from the list and its image discarded. Remove the duplicate item from the scanner.
- If the check is not a duplicate, then select Different Check to continue. The check image is added to the list of checks to deposit, and the count of items and total amount are updated.
Security Questions
How safe is this process? Your data (check images and information) are transferred to us on secure lines. We maintain several firewalls and other security measures that prevent unwanted interference. Only authorized users can make deposits to authorized accounts.
Do we share logons and tokens? Your logons and tokens are specific to each user. It is your responsibility to notify us of any changes. We require new employee authorizations when changes occur. We also need to delete users that are no longer authorized to use the service.
Do we need to keep the instructions and procedures? You should have a copy of the instructions and procedures. Please secure them accordingly.