Positive Pay Enhancement FAQ
Why is Positive Pay important?
Fraudsters are getting cleverer when cashing checks. They will lift the legitimate information off your check and replace it with their information. In most cases, the “new” check looks legitimate.
What’s the new enhancement?
Positive Pay will now read the payee line of your check. If something doesn’t match what you’ve uploaded, it will create an exception so you can verify it is correct.
What will cause an exception on my checks moving forward?
Payee, Check Number, Account, or Date mismatch will cause exceptions. The system will tell you what did not match your uploaded file. If you do not upload payee information, all checks will become exceptions. Note it may pick up the address line, creating an additional exception, until the system learns your check stock.
How do I use Positive Pay correctly to take full advantage of the protection?
When you issue a check, you should upload your check register before distributing the check. Then, when a check comes through and if everything matches, you don’t have to worry about it being sent back.
My check register hasn’t been working. How do I get that fixed?
Treasury Management can assist in rebuilding your import. Contact our team to learn more.
What happens if I don’t decision my exceptions and my default decision is set to “Pay”?
If you let the system automatically pay it via your default decision, and it’s a fraudulent check, you are accepting liability for that fraud. Positive Pay is meant to be a proactive system. By not uploading your checks, the system does not work as intended.
What happens if I don’t decision my exceptions and my default decision is set to “Return”?
The check will be returned “Refer to Maker,” and you will need to issue a new check. The ACH will be returned “Unauthorized ACH Transaction (R29),” and you will need to work with the originator of the ACH for representment.
If I have an exception with the wrong check number, what should I do?
Contact our Customer Service team with the business name, check amount, and the incorrect and correct check numbers.