Business Online Banking

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about Business Online Banking? Refer to our FAQs below!

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How do I obtain my log on codes?

For security purposes, Business Online Banking requires you to enter a username and password. The credentials are included in the instructions you received from us. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log on.

When I attempt to sign on to Business Online Banking, I receive an error message that says, “Invalid Customer Security Code.” What should I do?

Verify that you are entering your logon codes as you did when they were created. Your username and password are case sensitive. Please contact us if you cannot remember your logon credentials.

When I attempt to sign on to Business Online Banking, I receive an error message that says, “Your Account Has Been Disabled.” What should I do?

For security purposes, your account becomes disabled after 3 incorrect password attempts. Please contact us to reset your Business Online Banking codes.

Which types of accounts can I access using Business Online Banking?

You can review any checking, savings, certificates of deposit, IRAs, loans, and mortgage accounts that you are authorized to access. You can also use the Transaction function to review transaction history. Additionally, you can transfer funds between any First National Bank checking or savings accounts that you are authorized to access.

I currently use the Bank’s Telephone Banking service. Can I sign up for Business Online Banking and still use the telephone to access my accounts?

Yes. You will be able to use both products to access your accounts whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you.

What is the Transaction function?

A transaction history allows you to review transactions posted to your checking and savings accounts since your last statement or up to two years. The history includes transactions performed since the end of the Bank’s last business day. You can review all transactions on loans for the life of the loan. To access, simply select the time period you want to review on the Transaction function selection page.

What details will I find in Transaction function?

You can review the date, amount, and description of the transaction as well as the balance in your account after the transaction was posted.

Can I search for a specific transaction?

Yes. Enter information search terms including statement cycle, type of transaction, date, amount, or check number from the Transaction Search Menu by clicking the Transactions button.

How do I export transaction information?

Log in to Business Online Banking and select the account you want to access. Click on a selection from the drop-down Transactions menu. The Transaction Search section allows you to select the criteria to complete the export process. After you have completed your selection, click the Export button.

Can I sort the transactions listed on any statement?

Yes. Transactions can be sorted by date, check number, or amount in ascending or descending order.

Can I search for a specific check image?

Yes, with the exception of Current Day transactions. To find a specific check image, click on Transactions followed by Image Search. Enter the amount or check number, and click Submit.

In transaction history, what period is covered by the “Current Business Day?”

Current Business Day includes transactions performed since the end of our last business day.

Can I stop or modify my request to transfer funds?

Yes. At any time before you reach the Transfer Funds Confirmation screen, you can modify or cancel your funds transfer request. However, after you complete a funds transfer request and receive a confirmation number, you cannot stop the transfer from occurring. If you change your mind about the transfer after receiving the confirmation, make a new transfer to move the funds back to the appropriate account.

When are transfers posted to my account?

Transfers are posted to your account immediately and are reflected in your Account Balances.

Is my online communication with the Bank secure?

Yes. We have taken strong measures to ensure that your information remains confidential.

The first step is the use of a secure browser. Certain browsers and computers have the ability to communicate securely by scrambling information as it passes online. The method of communication is called SSL or Secure Socket Layer. We require the use of a secure browser before a connection can be made to the transaction system. After establishing an online connection, your information passes through a firewall, which is a computer specifically designed to keep out unauthorized users. The information is scrambled again to ensure that it can only be read by authorized Bank representatives.

Can I send account information via email?

For security purposes, we strongly discourage using email to send sensitive information (i.e. account numbers, Social Security numbers, passwords, etc.). If you have specific account questions, please contact our Treasury Management department at (605) 335-5287 and a specialist will assist you.

Who can access my account information over the Internet?

You must enter your username and password, which should be known only to you. Unless you have compromised your password by revealing it to someone else, you are the only one who can access your account information using Business Online Banking.

When I attempt to sign on to Business Online Banking, I receive an error message informing me that my username is incorrect. What should I do?

You could have inadvertently entered the username incorrectly. Check your username and be sure your initials are capitalized and try again. If you are certain you entered the correct username, contact us.

When I attempt to sign on to Business Online Banking, I receive an error message informing me that my password is incorrect. What should I do?

Passwords are case sensitive. Make sure that you are typing your password correctly, including any uppercase or lowercase letters. Confirm the password and try again. If you can’t remember your password, please contact us.

Why is it important to select “Log Off” when I finish using Business Online Banking or when I walk away from my computer?

Once you have logged on to Business Online Banking, you have begun an active session. If you walk away during the course of an active session, someone else can use your computer to perform transactions involving your accounts. It is similar to walking away from an ATM while your card is still in the machine.

For your security, your active session will automatically end if there is no activity on your computer for about 10 minutes. However, to eliminate any exposure, it is always better for you to end the active session by selecting “Log Off.”

Which browsers can I use to access Business Online Banking?

Our Business Online Banking service is best viewed using Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, or another browser with consistent internet connection. Other browsers may limit your capacity for viewing certain elements of Business Online Banking.

I’m using a Mac to access the Internet. Will I have any problems accessing my account information?

Our Business Online Banking service will work with either Macs or PCs, though you may experience some JavaScript distortions with Macs.

What should my computer settings be to best view my account information online?

Our Business Online Banking service is best viewed in a format of 800 x 600 pixels. Smaller settings (such as 640 x 480) can be used, but you may have to scroll to see all your account information. Larger settings (such as 1024 x 768) will work fine, as well.

Where do I find help in using Business Online Banking?

After you are logged on to Business Online Banking, use the Help button to answer questions concerning account detail, transactions, transfers, stop payments, etc.

Is there a charge for using Business Online Banking?

Access to Business Online Banking is completely free.

How do I activate and log in using token security for the first time?

Please contact our Treasury Management team at (605) 335-5287 for assistance.

What is a token?

A token is a small, connectionless device that generates a One Time Password (OTP) to use each time you log on to Business Online Banking. This password changes every 32 seconds for your protection. This helps to ensure that your information is secure, protecting you from fraud and identity theft.

Why do we need tokens?

With tokens, we’re adding another layer of security to protect customers’ information and your Business Online Banking accounts. Tokens also guard against ever-increasing email scams such as phishing and pharming by providing site authentication.

How do I know that I am at the valid Business Online Banking site?

A 4-digit Site Authentication Value will be displayed, confirming that you’re at the Bank’s legitimate website. If your Site Authentication Values do not match, then start over or contact the Bank for assistance.

Do I need my token to log in?

Yes. Once the token is activated, you will need it each time you log on to Business Online Banking. This provides an additional layer of security for your protection.

Do I have to activate my token?

Yes. All customers identified as token users must activate and use their token to log on to Business Online Banking.

Do I need to install software on my computer?

No additional software is required on your computer. Once activated, the token is immediately ready for use.

How much does the token cost?

Your first token will be provided free of charge. Lost or damaged tokens will be replaced at a cost of $30 per token.

What happens if my token is lost or damaged?

To order replacement tokens, please contact us. The token will be mailed to you, or you may pick it up at one of our convenient branch locations.